Here's a poem I wrote for class, two years ago, as an exercise in emulating a famous New York poet. The poet I chose was Edgar Allan Poe.
TO E——
upon reading her obituary in the Herald
Thou wast a dream I had, love,
That faded ‘ere the morn.
And in it I was glad, love,
But now that dream is gone.
And thou art faded with the moon,
And I am quite forlorn.
Thou walked amid the flowers,
So thy fragrance was a spell,
And thou danced in silver showers
That watered all the vale.
But thou art gone forever,
And that is not so well.
Ah, weep, ye summer maidens!
Ah, cry ‘Alack!’ and weep!
The summer’s gone with her I loved
And God’s asleep!
And I am laden with remorse
That I must keep.
Thou wast a dream, a shadow,
A brief surprise.
Ephemeral, ethereal,
Thou faded, quick as sighs.
And I would see thee, dream thee still,
I close my eyes.
Be well, everyone.
13 years ago