Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Poem! At last!

The writer's block is over! Boy does that feel good.

When Winter Came

I was a child when winter bowled me over
With freezing lips and fire-crystal eyes
I was a child still playing in the clover
When winter came, she found me paralyzed.

I was a youth when I first joined the dreaming,
With starlit eyes and magic in my hands,
I was a youth; my eyes were quick and gleaming,
I rode the ocean-waves, played in the sands.

I was a sage when winter crawled into me
With razor teeth and soft, translucent fur
I was a sage; I let each breath pass through me
When winter came, I knew and welcomed her.

I was a ghost who drowned in dreams of danger
With lidless eyes, and sulphur in my bones
I walked a ghost in dreams and planes still stranger
I was a dream, asleep among the stones.

Hope you're all doing super-well.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Open Love/Polina Poly Party

For the small number of people who read my various blogs, I am announcing here first that Michelle and I are planning the first big public party for Open Love NY that will be a joint celebration for my 19th birthday.

It's going to be at the Lyons Wier Gallery, 175 Seventh Ave. (at 20th Street) on Saturday, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Non-alcoholic beverages and snacks will be served. Admission is $10, which also gets you a limited-edition Open Love NY bracelet. Plus, $1 from each ticket sold will be donated to poly-related efforts that are important to the poly community.

Lyons Wier Gallery is conveniently located near the 23rd Street Stations on the C, E, 1, F and V subway lines. More details will be forthcoming in the next few days, but I wanted to start getting the word out here.